Welcome to Academic Affairs!

Academic Affairs is here to serve students and faculty through

  • developing and updating courses, programs, and curriculum
  • building the semester course schedule
  • recruiting, training, and professional growth for faculty
  • publishing our course catalog and academic calendars
  • ensuring that our academic spaces and online learning environments are ready for students  
  • meeting Chancellor's Office objectives for teaching and learning, and compliance with Title 5 of the CCR


 We accomplish this through a team of deans across five sites

  • Main Campus
  • Alisal Campus
  • Castroville Education Center
  • Soledad Education Center
  • King City Education Center


Who To Contact

  • Cathryn Wilkinson, Ph.D.
    Vice President of Academic Affairs
    Phone: 831-770−7092
    Building: D - College Administration (North)
    Office: 103
    College Administration (North)
  • Dina Hayashi
    Executive Assistant
    Phone: 831-770-7091
    Building: D - College Administration (North)
    Office: 102
    College Administration (North)
