Resources for Students

Hartnell College offers opportunities to obtain an associate's degree to transfer to a four-year college, and/or improve your job skills. Please explore the various disciplines that are listed on the left. We offer services and programs at various locations - Main Campus, Alisal/Advanced Technology Campus, Castroville Education Center, King City Education Center, or Soledad Education Center - and online either synchronous with scheduled meeting times, or asynchronously, at any time.

Fall Semester:

August 28 - December 16, 2023


8-Week Sessions:

August 28 - October 21, 2023


October 23 - December 16, 2023


All Academic Affairs offices are available for in-person services during regular office hours, 8:00am - 5pm, Monday-Friday. Contact information is listed here for each dean's office.

Effective December 14, 2022, Hartnell has lifted its requirement that students and employees provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination. However, also in line with county and state guidelines, Hartnell continues to strongly recommend masks be worn by all persons in indoor public settings (classrooms, Student Center, library, etc.). Hartnell has established an email address for notification by employees and students who have experienced possible exposure, developed COVID-19 symptoms, or tested positive within three (3) days of having visited one of our campus locations. This will allow us to respond and ensure that all precautions are taken to ensure the safety of others. For more information related to COVID-19, please see the Frequently Asked Questions webpage.


Who To Contact

  • Cathryn Wilkinson, Ph.D.
    Vice President of Academic Affairs
    Phone: 831-770−7092
    Building: D - College Administration (North)
    Office: 103
    College Administration (North)
  • Dina Hayashi
    Executive Assistant
    Phone: 831-770-7091
    Building: D - College Administration (North)
    Office: 102
    College Administration (North)
